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So who is Dr. J., anyway?

Ranked #8 in the TOP 30 Global Gurus in Education in 2023, #6 in 2022. and #17 in 2021, Rick Jetter, Ph.D., is an educator, author, speaker, trainer, and national education consultant. He has worked in the field of education for over 26 years and has held the positions of: alternative education teacher, English teacher, assistant principal, principal, assistant superintendent, assistant head of schools, and superintendent of schools before pursuing a career in consulting, speaking, writing, and publishing. Known as "Dr. J.," he is also the CEO of Pushing Boundaries Consulting, LLC and a 2021 fellow for the NY Education Policy Fellowship Program sponsored by Teachers College at Columbia University. Dr. J. has written lots of books for educators and is currently one (of a very small handful) of scholars and thought leaders across the nation who develops narrative theory research models for transforming school culture and carrying out school reform initiatives.

A Leadership Call to Action
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Dr. J.'s Credentials
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Dr. J.'s Testimonials
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Sample Tech. Plan
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Sample Entry Plan
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Dr. J.'s Teaching Philosophy
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Dr. J.'s Skill Set

Dr. J. is the CEO of
Pushing Boundaries Consulting, LLC.
For more information, click on the icon below.

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