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Adversity and Whiskey in Education
Meet Ralph. Ralph was one of the hundreds of school leaders that we interviewed for our book, Escaping the School Leader’s Dunk Tank. ...
The “Schools First!” Slogan for Managing Emotional Smoke & Fire
They say, “Where there is smoke, there is fire.” So, let’s apply that metaphor to this scenario: I like to believe that most educators...
When Taking the High Road Leads to Shakier Ground
Our Dunk Tank Voxer Group, entitled “Prevailing Leaders” never ceases to amaze me. The reflections, posts, and voice messages are...
Adversity University: The Dunk Tank Goes to College
As Rebecca and I continue to analyze human behavior and adversity within the field of education, we know that adversity and politics will...
Where Do All of the “Dunkers” Go? Adversity Training for School Boards, Superintendents, and Site-B
My sister and I didn’t fight a lot while growing up, but when we did, she would run to my mom and tell on me—even when SHE was the one...
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